Happy Gandhi Jayanti

Happy Gandhi Jayanti (Independence Day) 2 October 2023 Wishes, Quotes, Speech, Essays, Message/SMS, Whatsapp Status, HD Images/Pics, Wallpapers, Greetings. “Happy Independence Day” Gandhi Ji was born on October 2, 1869 his name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. This festival is also known as (Gandhi jayanti or Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti) which is celebrated as the birthday of “Mahatma Gandhi Ji”. On this day gazetted holiday in all over India as a government official leave (holiday of the day). Indian people are giving a respectful tribute to the father of the Nation – Mahatma Gandhi. Most of the schools also celebrate this festival for a half-day in the school premises. After the celebration of Gandhi Jayanti,, school runs for only a few hours, then students leave the school for a half-day holiday. This page lists the date for Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti in the year 2023. Here I mention all the related requirements of this festival in India. It will be the 152nd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi this year. Later, you will celebrate next year. Wish you all a very “Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2023!”.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti

Happy Gandhi Jayanti (Independence Day) 2 October 2023

Gandhi was affectionately called “Bapu”. In his life, Gandhi fought for the freedom of the Indian nation from the ruling British empires. On October 2 the UN declared this day as the International Day of Non-violence because it’s an important holiday of India. The full name of Mahatma Gandhi Ji (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He lives in Porbandar, Gujarat. His birth anniversary is known as Gandhi Jayanti festival. He was also running a protest of Ahimsa and Satyagraha Andolan over hundreds and thousands of Indians, for a non-violence freedom fight against the British Raj. Spread Happy Bapu’s have great ideas to inspire everyone with this post which has lots of interesting and useful stuff for your friends or family members. You can also share with your teachers or school principles.

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Wishes

Gandhi Jayanti Wishes 2023:

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Quotes

Gandhi Jayanti Quotes 2023 in English:

Gandhi Jayanti 2023 Quotes in Hindi

“एक आदमी अपने विचारों का एक उत्पाद है। वह क्या सोचता है वह बन जाता है”
“वह बदलाव बनें जिसे आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं”
“कमज़ोर कभी माफ नहीं कर सकते। माफी मजबूत की विशेषता है
“मैं किसी को भी अपने गंदे पैर के साथ अपने दिमाग से घूमने नहीं दूँगा”
“शक्ति शारीरिक क्षमता से नहीं आती है। एक अदम्य इच्छा शक्ति से आता है”
“लोगों में अच्छा देखें और उनकी मदद करें”

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Gandhi Jayanti Speech 2023:

CEO of Trendnut.com India to delivering commemorative speech on the occasion of “Gandhi Jayanti”

The Trendnut of India celebrated Gandhi Jayanti with great fervor and variety of functions were organized in the Trendnut.com Website, Delhi, on the occasion. The CEO of Trendnut.com Mr. Anuj Kumar was the chief Executive Officer on the occasion. The program included paying of floral tributes to the bust of Mahatma Gandhi by the CEO of ‘Trendnut’, choir rendering of favorite bhajans of Mahatma Gandhi and commemorative address by the CEO of ‘Trendnut’. An edit page article by the Author of ‘Trendnut’ on Gandhi Jayanti in All Over India.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students 2023

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, today on the day of 2nd Oct we are celebrating Gandhi Jayanti. On this occasion I want to focus on the life of our loving Gandhi J. Bapu was born on 2nd october, 1869 in a small village named Porbandar in Gujarat. His father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi and mother was Putlibai. When Bapu completed his higher secondary education, he wanted to become a lawyer. So, he went to England during 1888 to get higher education in the field of law. After a hard struggle of four years he completed his law degree and returned to India in 1891.

After coming back from England, he went to Africa for the research of his work. In those days, there was a huge demand for Indian lawyers in South Africa. There he got the work.. Gandhi Ji spent around 20 years of his life there. During these days, racism was coming into South Africa. He also became one of the victims of this racism. He was thrown out of the running train even after getting a valid ticket in the first class reservation. This act badly affected his soul and he started to oppose the social evil of racism. These days were very memorable to Gandhi because during these days he got married to Kasturba Gandhi. She supported him in all walks of life.

He returned to India in 1915. After his return he met Gopal Krishna Gokhale and discussed the movements of the Indian freedom struggle. He included himself in the Indian National Congress and raised his voice against the British ruling in India. He started the Non-Cooperation movement in 1920 in which Indians were asked not to cooperate in any activities of the British. In 1930 he made a dandi march by walking over a long stretch of around 400km. He broke the law of the British against the production of salt. In 1942 he shouted ‘quit India movement’ through which he sent a message to the ruling British that leave our country and we are capable of ruling our own country. All these moments made the British East India Company to set themselves on the back foot. Finally, India got its freedom on 15th August, 1947.

He was shot dead by Nathuram Godse on 30th January, 1948.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat…

Happy Gandhi jayanti Essays

Gandhi Jayanti Essays 2023:

Essay on Gandhi Jayanti (Mahatma Gandhi) 2023

Full name of Mahatma Gandhi was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was born in Porbandar of Gujarat, India on 2 October 1869. After passing the Matric Examination he went to England for higher studies. Gandhiji completed his law in England and came back to India in 1893. He started his career as a lawyer.

Social Life of Gandhiji was started in South Africa. In South Africa he faced many hurdles. He discovered that the white men were ill treating the dark Indians there. He himself was tortured and insulted by the white often. One day, he was travelling in a first class compartment of a train. He had booked a ticket for him. Still he was evented and punished out of the compartment by the white men. Gandhiji fought against this unjust and cruel treatment. He observed Satyagraha there and became successful.

Gandhiji returned to India and took part in the freedom fight. He was sent to jail many times. Now all the countrymen were with him. He started the Non-co-operation in 1930 and the Quit India Movement in 1942. He became famous as the ‘Father of Nation’. Lastly India won freedom on 15th August 1947.

Gandhi’s style of living was very simple. He was a follower of ‘Simple living, high thinking’. He taught us the lesson of ‘Ahimsa’. He removed the caste barrier in India. He was a reformer. He was shot dead by an Indian on his way to attend a prayer on 30 January, 1948. Mahatma Gandhi is remembered in the world for his major virtues. 

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Message/SMS

Gandhi Jayanti Message/SMS 2023 in English:

The Father Of The Nation With
The Tools Of Truth And Nonviolence,
Freed Our Nation From Imperialism
Follow Path Of Truth And Wisdom,
Pay Homage To This Great Leader
On Gandhi Jayanti & Always
Happy Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti…

G = Great
A = Amazing
N = Nationalist
D = Daring
H = Honest
I = Indian
Happy Birthday ‘Father of the Nation’

Ishwar Allah Tero Naam
Sab Ko Sanmati De Bhagwan
Boley Toh gandhi Jayanti Aur
Gandhigiri Zindabad,
“Happy Gandhi Jayanti 2023”

Mohandas: Disciple of Krishna
Karamchand: King of Karma
Was Aptly Called Mahatma – A Supreme Soul,
He Earned This Sobriquet Due To His Noble Deeds
And For Propagating Non-Violence To Attain Peace,
!!! Happy Gandhi Jayanti !!!

Its Oct 2, Birthday Of
Mahatma GandhiN,
One Of The Greatest
Human Ever Born In India.
Let’s Salute The Great Soul.
!!! Jai Hind !!!

Wherever There Is Love There Is Life !
“Happy Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti”

Gandhi Jayanti Messages In Hindi 2023

बस जीवन में ये याद रखना
सच और मेहनत का सदा साथ रखना
बापू तुम्हारे साथ हैं हर बच्चे के पास हैं
सच्चाई जहाँ भी है वहाँ उनका वास है

बापू के सपनो को फिर से सजाना है
देकर लहू का कतरा इस चमन को बचाना है
बहुत गा लिया हमने आज़ादी के गानों को
अब हमें भी देशभक्ति का फ़र्ज़ निभाना है

हर ज़ुल्म पल रहा हैं गाँधी के देश में
खोटा सिक्का भी चल रहा है गाँधी के देश में
हिन्दू हो या मुसलमान, सिख हो या ईसाई
|हर शख्स जल रहा है गाँधी के देश में

गाँधी जी जन्मे थे उस देश में रहता हूँ,
फिर भी ये भ्रष्टाचार रोज सहता हूँ,
कोई आएगा मिटाने भ्रष्टाचार ये मानता हूँ,
लकिन खुद हिम्मत कर मैं आगे नहीं बढ़ता हूँ,
फस ना जाऊ राजनीती में इसीलिए मैं इनसे डरता हूँ,
हर दिन हर रोज़ इन भ्रष्ट के हाथो मैं मरता हूँ..

‘A’ Kahta : Aise the Bapu
“” ‘B’ Kahta : Aise the Bapu “”

Mujhse Pucho Me Batlau
Tum sabko : Kaise the Bapu
Sant-Fakiro Jaise Bapu
“” Hinsa Ke Sagar Me Jaise “”

Ho Koi Karuna Ka Tapu
Aise, Ha Aise The Bapu,
“” Rishiyon-Muniyon Jaise Bapu “”

*** Hey Bapu, Is Bharat Ke Tum
Ek Matra Hi Nath Rahe

Jiven ka Sarvtra Isi Ko
Dekar Iske Saath Rahe

Tere Kartvyo Se
Bapu Bharat Fir Swadhin Huwa

Upkaro ka Rini Sada Yah
Tere hi AAdhin Huwa

Kalpo Me Bhi Kabhi Urin Ho
Jan-Gan-Man Sakar Karo

AAo Bapu, AAo Fir Se
Hum Sab ka Uddhaar Karo

Happy Gandhi Jayanti ***

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Whatsapp Status

Gandhi Jayanti Whatsapp Status 2023:

Happy Gandhi Jayanti HD Images/Pics

Gandhi Jayanti HD Images/Pics 2023:

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Greetings

Gandhi Jayanti Greetings 2023:

Happy Gandhi Jayanti GIF

Gandhi Jayanti GIF 2023:

Happy Gandhi Jayanti Wallpapers

Gandhi Jayanti Wallpapers 2023:

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